Published :-)) Fixed-target pump–probe SFX: eliminating the scourge of light contamination
Our experiment shows the feasibility of TR-SFX experiments with fixed target sample delivery to drastically reduce sample consumption!
Our experiment shows the feasibility of TR-SFX experiments with fixed target sample delivery to drastically reduce sample consumption!
A few examples of meetings our team members attended as part of their training UXSS 2023 Ultrafast X-ray Summer School – Hamburg, Germany From 12-16.06.2023, Andrea Flores Ibarra and Bence Olasz attended the Ultrafast X-ray Summer School held in Hamburg, Read more…
The LOV structural dynamics in millisecond timescales provide insights into the initial stage of signal transduction.
Our review paper is an accessible introduction to the LOV proteins.
@ Cristallina November 2022 & April 2023 Our Dioscuri Center uses state-of-the-art experimental methods that allow us to study the molecular mechanisms of proteins. One of these methods is the time-resolved serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography that we perform, among others, Read more…